a personal add thing


New member
Dec 7, 2005
Yeah, I admit I was browsing through the local personal ads. But only because I was a. bored b.someone dared me to c. was looking at housing and thought might as well shop for a gal.

Anyway, I come across this add filled with cliches and all sorts of vagueness.

the ad:
My friend met her husband on Craigslist. She told me all about it. So I figured why not?

I hate describing myself or what I want. Because after a while it becomes oh-so-boring.

Me: D & D free. Full of life. Love the arts. Loves to cuddle. Loves to cook. Loves to entertain. Loves animals. Loves music. Is close to her family. Is ready to setle down. On and on. Please ask me anything and I will try to answer.

You: D & D free as well. a tortured/artistic soul. With a love of the arts, cuddling, and cooking? Close to his family. Loves music. Can carry on an inteligent conversation. Loves animals. If I have any questions I will ask you!
I bealive in God. Pleas do to!

Write me. What have you got to lose? And honestly when you do. I do not care if you have bigger muscles than my head. Or if you don't have any muscles at all. All that counts is whats inside. Right? SO judgemental assholes, who care more about their workout need not apply.You guys are just "Manbo's" anyway:)

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New member
Dec 7, 2005
what I sent

We got a whole lots in common.
I am 36 and kicked my Dungeons and Dragons habit about three years ago. I love life.
Every few months, strolling through one of Portland's fine museums is how I like to spend a Sunday afternoon. If I have the time I like to design and create modern modular sculptures. I have two cats, a boa, and a golden retriever. So, yes I love animals and all sorts of nature. I also care about the envirionment. My family is very important to me. I talk with my mother everyday. She's not even like my mother she is like a close friend. I can tell her anything (and usually do). My brother lives in Cali, but we still talk at least once a week.
I love music so much. I actually use my Ipod more than my cell phone! Never leave home without it. My taste in music is all over the place. The only thing I don't care for is the hardcore rap or speed metal.
A perfect rainy night for me would include: friendly company, a yummy home cooked meal ( my specialty is lasagna), constant witty banter, a few drinks, some desser, cuddling and then a late night walk through the park.
Okay, I am starting to ramble, so I will say goodbye for now and wish you the best of luck.

:modemman: :realtongu :drink:

Nov 29, 2004
I guess you'd just have to ask yourself if she's fuckable.
If that's her picture. Then yeah, sure, I suppose. But if it was me, I'd have to go with my gut feeling and that would be get the quick lay and don't stick around for seconds. Something about that picture just tells me it's trouble. This is about you, not me. So go for it! All lovin' is good lovin'!:toast: If you're looking for a relationship :nopityA: , then this might be the one for you. I'm in one of those relationships :nopityA: going on for 16 years now. Wedding date is in July.:nohead:

Good Luck with it. And, oh, one more thing------ Why is it I always see "loves walks in the park" in ads? I go to the park to walk my dog and I never see couples walking and holding hands or people revealing anything of a romantic relationship. And, as far as that goes, when people display that in ads I would be inclined to believe that they also indicate they just love walks in the park in general, right? So if you ever see people walking alone in the park, they must be single looking for a date. One might think the park would be a hot pick up place for dates. Am I wrong?

New member
Dec 7, 2005
donkeybucks said:
I guess you'd just have to ask yourself if she's fuckable.
If that's her picture. Then yeah, sure, I suppose. But if it was me, I'd have to go with my gut feeling and that would be get the quick lay and don't stick around for seconds. Something about that picture just tells me it's trouble. This is about you, not me. So go for it! All lovin' is good lovin'!:toast: If you're looking for a relationship :nopityA: , then this might be the one for you. I'm in one of those relationships :nopityA: going on for 16 years now. Wedding date is in July.:nohead:

Good Luck with it. And, oh, one more thing------ Why is it I always see "loves walks in the park" in ads? I go to the park to walk my dog and I never see couples walking and holding hands or people revealing anything of a romantic relationship. And, as far as that goes, when people display that in ads I would be inclined to believe that they also indicate they just love walks in the park in general, right? So if you ever see people walking alone in the park, they must be single looking for a date. One might think the park would be a hot pick up place for dates. Am I wrong?

First of all congrats on getting married. That is one hell of an engagement you all have had.

I responded to this ad for kicks. It is a pandering and pathetic response that she desires, and so there it is. Am I looking to bang or date this chick? Hell no.

Now for the biggy. Why do people write stupid crap in their personal ads ie. walks in the park, loves family, loves animals, open minded, intelligent, sunsets, the beach, camping, fishing, and constant references to the ubiquitous term fun? I have my ideas, you probably do as well.

Here is my take on the walk in the park. She expects you to be busy and or not wanting to take time for some boring walk in the park. This is how she will gauge her control and manipulation of you. A walk in the park is a point for her. As for singles meeting up in a park? This is not a bad idea, especially if you have a cute dog for a wingman. Otherwise, I never notice single folk mingling at the park. I think it's something women throw out there as opposed to "love going to the whole in the wall and drinking tequilla till we puke."

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